Reverend Adjartey gained interest in photography so he enrolled at Tema Technical Institute in 1988 to do a three-year Post-Secondary Diploma course in photography. He completed in 1990 and did his National Service in 1991 at Akuse Government Hospital.
Whilst in Tema Tech, he served as the Vice President of the local Scripture Union. It was during his years in Tema Tech that he received many prophecies about the call of God upon his life. Whilst at Akuse General Hospital, he started a prayer fellowship in Apostolic Church of Ghana and also served as a lay preacher at Amedeka Church of Pentecost especially during their morning devotions.
After National Service, Stephen went back to Sefwi-Wiawso to live with the family. He and his late friend, Rev. Matthew Ampong started a prayer fellowship at Sefwi-Wiawso where they prayed for the youth, the community and revival of the area. All this while, he was a member of the Church of Pentecost but God spoke to him in 1992 to join Assemblies of God. Not long after he joined AG, the pastor there asked him to serve AG as a lay worker in one of the churches, specifically at Sefwi Boako where he served as a local pastor for about two (2) years. He was also the Sefwi Wiawso first district youth representative of AG from 1994 to 1996. He had to hand over because he passed the entrance exam to go to Bible School in January 1996.
In 1994, when Assemblies of God branch at Joaboso was planted, he was transferred there as the first pastor. He served in this local church till 1996 before enrolling at the then Southern Ghana Bible Institute, the Assemblies of God Bible school, now AGTS at Saltpond. In the Bible school, he was appointed as the compound prefect by the grace of God.
Before completing Bible School, Stephen happened to come into contact with Rev. Dr. David Madjitey. Upon seeing him, Rev Dr David Madjitey said "God spoke to me that He would send someone from the Western Region to assist me and I am convinced you are the one". By then Stephen was pastoring in the Western Region. Rev Madjitey advised him to pray about it so he did with his prayer partner and got convinced that was the will of God for him. Stephen discussed with his then Senior Pastor, Rev Saviour Apedoh who gave him his blessing and asked him to do what God was leading him to do. He started fellowshipping with Glory AG in December 1997 until he completed Bible School on 20th November 1998 and on 20th December same year, Rev Madjitey blessed his marriage with Mildred at Bethel Nursery School where the church used to fellowship. He was officially employed as the first Associate Pastor in January 1999.
In September 2012 , while serving as the Senior Associate Pastor of Glory AG, he was asked by his Senior Pastor Rev Dr David Madjitey to go and serve the mission church at Aveyime. Whiles in Aveyime . Rev Adjartey led the church to plant two more churches, Luta House of Prayer AG in 2014 and Holy Ghost AG at Agbetikpo in 2017. In all he spent 7 years on the Mission Field at Aveyime.
Stephen is married to Mrs. Mildred Johnson Adjartey and they have six children: Emmanuel Rudolf Adjartey. Daisy Adjartey Ametepe, Ivy Adjartey, Bismark Asiagbor, Dorothy Adjartey, and two grandchildren.
Prayer, Missions and Pastoral Care have been the passion of Stephen all his life. Stephen was withdrawn from the Mission field by his Senior Pastor on 30th June 2019 and sent to Peace and Glory AG at Sakumono Township for a year before he was later brought to Glory Chapel to continue his service as the Senior Associate Pastor till Rev Madjitey's retirement on 14th August, 2021.
Stephen is known to be a teacher of the Word. His passion in bringing the truth to people is clearly evident in his life. When the idea of establishing a Bible School by Glory A/G was first proposed by Rev. David Madjitey, he whole-heartedly supported it, knowing that it would be a medium of spreading the truth. In fact, he was a founding member of Glory College of Theology and Leadership. He played several roles in bringing the Bible School into reality. He has been a lecturer since it’s beginning. He rose through the ranks to become the Dean of students of the Bible School and he became the first Principal of the school.
The Bible says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus - "1 Thess. 5:18". And all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. "Romans 8:28".
May the name of the Lord be praised continually for calling him into the ministry and directing his path all these years to bring him this far, and he looks up to Him to perfect whatever He has begun in his life to this day.
Faithful is He who has called and he will do it "1 Thess. 5:24".